Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. It is going to be a busy day here at our house. We have lots of errands to run, and I'm bringing the kids swimming at the Y. Will has Boy Scouts tonight, we need to color eggs, and clean the house because MIL is coming tomorrow.
Yesterday, Little Samantha threw up all over Big Samantha's bed... and then all around the bathroom on her way to the potty. Yuck yuck yuck!! We disinfected the bathroom and are praying that no one gets sick now.
Samantha is excited-- she's saved up enough money to buy her own DS! We're going to pick that up today.
Almost Easter- I can't wait to get pictures of the eggs, the egg hunt, the family time on Sunday... and I'm very eager to eat some paska bread!!!
Happy Good Friday!

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